Comfort Twin Room

Comfort Twin Room

Comfort Twin Room

Home | Rooms | Comfort Twin Room


  • 床型:加大雙人床(200*200CM)或兩張單人床(110*200CM)/床邊插座
  • 空間寬敞,房間地板為仿木質地板,全館房間皆有對外窗
  • 房間窗外景色:部分房間面市景
  • 浴室:乾溼分離淋浴式
  • 法國Mimare植萃精油沐浴系列/吹風機/盥洗用品
  • 衣櫃
  • 全館免費無線WIFI
  • 37吋的液晶電視/有線頻道
  • 電冰箱/快免費咖啡包/台灣茗茶包/免費礦泉水/飲水機 



  1. 入住時間:下午5:00後,退房時間:中午11:00前。
  2. 照片僅供該房型參考,請依旅館現場房型實際狀況為準。
  3. 一間客房提供一個車位,入住時請至櫃台登記車號。停放位置:本館B1停車場(車位有限,採先到先停制,恕無法預留車位)。
  4. 依政府菸害防制法規定,本館及客房內全面禁菸。如需抽菸,請至1F戶外吸菸區。
  5. 飯店內及所有客房內,皆禁止攜帶寵物入住。
  6. 飯店內及所有客房內,皆禁止派對、聚賭、酗酒、嚼食檳榔、吸毒或從事任何違法之行為,違者將報警處理。
  7. 飯店內及所有客房內等物品,請勿私自攜出,違者將報警處理。





Reservation Notice

1. Check in The hotel check-in time is after 17:00. The latest reservation time (keep the room on the latest time) to 24:00. Those who make a reservation are required to present the "Reservation Receipt" and "ID card" for processing.

2. Late Check-in If the person who made the reservation cannot check in before the "latest reservation time" for some reason on the day of stay, the person who made the reservation (or the occupant) must inform the hotel in advance. If the check-in time is not agreed with the hotel and the check-in procedure is exceeded after the reservation time, the reservation (and accommodation rights) will be deemed unconditionally abandoned by the person who booked the room (and the occupant).

3. Check out The hotel check-out time is before 11:00 noon. Expenses incurred in other transactions between the booker and the hotel (such as extended stay, extra bed, meal fee, tip, telephone bill, etc.) must be settled with the hotel on site.

4. Order changes The person who reserved the room should submit an application 3 days before check-in (excluding the day of check-in). If no application is submitted, the order cannot be changed. Each order change is limited to one time, and is limited to the original hotel reservation. Cancellation and refund are not allowed after the change is completed. After the order is changed, if the total cost of the order is greater than the total cost of the original order, the booker should make up the difference. (Limited to the original hotel reservation) After the order is changed, if the total cost of the order is less than the total cost of the original order, the person who booked the room shall not ask for a refund of the difference. (Limited to the original hotel reservation)



Check in